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3-PART-DIFF  Analyser 


18 parameters + 3 histogrammes (3-Diff)
WBC, Gra#, RBC, THR, Hb, Hct, Lym%, Lym#, Mon%, Mon#, Gra%, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV, Pct, PDW

Results in 50 sec 
For venous and capillary blood
Only 10 – 30 µl blood volume
No warm-up, temperature independent
Blood Clot Micro Filter
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish on request
Unique preservation solution » no frequent rinsing
3 Reagents

Colour display
Connection to external computer, printer, keyboard and barcode reader
Electromagnetic valves » less service needed
Cleaning every 3 months only
Service once a year
Veterinary instrument: 6 species by default, 2 species freely selectable
dog, cat, parrot, horse, cow, sheep, pig, goat
5 years warranty

Control value sheet

Haematology control Lot B1124 249 KB(File for English)


Flyer VET Haematology 3 MB(File for English)
Flyer Haematology 3 MB(File for English)


Insert Haematology Solutions VET rev04 de 139 KB(File for German)
Insert Haematology Solutions VET rev04 en 134 KB(File for English)


DLB3 VET Operator manual 10 MB(File for English)

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