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Photometer DTN-510K

  • General information
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Color LCD screen
Flow-cell and cuvette mode possible
Internal thermal printer
Test modes: Single and double wavelength
Temperature control: RT, 25°C, 30°C, 37°C ± 0.1°C
Language: English or Spanish
Real-time-reaction curve display
Equipped with USB mouse and built-in keyboard
Windows ® based operating system

Endpoint with or without reagent blank or sample blank
Bichromatic endpoint (double wavelength)
Fixed time (two point kinetic)
Linear regression
Multi-calibration curve

Wavelengths: 300 – 800 nm
7 standard filters: 340, 405, 450, 500, 546, 578, 670 nm
1 free position for optional filter
Absorbance range: -0.500 – 3.500 Abs
Resolution: 0.001 Abs displayed; 0.0001 calculated
Light source: Halogen lamp

Test memory: up to 110 methods programmable, 1000 test results
QC functions: Westgard Multirule, Levey Jennings plot, 2 controls per test

RS-232 for LIS
2x USB: Mouse and ext. keyboard or ext. printer (not included)

Power supply: 110/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 80 Watt
Net weight: 8 kg
Gross weight: 9.5 kg
Dimensions: 350 x 330 x 165 mm (H x W x D)


DTN-510K User Manual 1 MB(File for English)

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